Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Effects of using ICT

This topic considers the effects of ICT on employment as well as our every life in the home. The main four areas where ICT has had an effect on employment include:
  1. Robotics
  2. Banking
  3. Online shopping
  4. Office work
Task 1: Write 4 posts in four areas explain negative and positive effects on employment. 

The effects of ICT on working patterns:
  1. Part-time working
  2. Flexible working (flexi-time)
  3. Job sharing
  4. Compressed hours
Task 2: Write a new post explaining why having these different working patterns AND what are advantages for employers. 

Microprocessor-controlled devices in the home:

Task 3: Write a new post explaining what effect on person's lifestyle the introduction of microprocessor-controlled devices might have.

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